Self Supply Container Theme Resort Island | Shanghai CC Design Design Co., Ltd. | World Design Awards 2021

Shanghai CC Design Design Co., Ltd.: Special Mention of World Design Awards 2021. The project name is: Self Supplied Container Theme Resort Island. The project site is located in a permanent undeveloped island in the southeast of Zhoushan Island, Zhejiang Province, China. Although its size is only about 5 hectares, its surface is covered with dense natural vegetation and is close to the main island of Zhoushan City. It should be an ideal tourist destination. However, it has never been included in the planning by the government in history.

With many years of design experience in mobile buildings, the project team is trying to quickly build a resort town on this island. At the same time, we will further optimize the surrounding environment, retain the original rich vegetation, lay gravel roads and beaches, build small ship berths, and transform it into a comprehensive Island Hotel integrating catering, vacation, exploration, camping, container and other elements. In addition, we will use the integrated energy modules of “integrated solar charging and discharging”, “integrated fresh water saving” and “sewage collection” developed by our green construction team of Tongji University to replace all buildings on the island every three days through cargo ship transportation, so as to meet the energy demand for maintaining the operation of all container buildings on the island. Using the abandoned containers in the city’s commercial ports, the hotel’s front desk and office buildings, residential unit buildings, and Activity Center buildings integrating entertainment, catering, coffee, reading and other activities are designed.

At present, the project has received some financial support. We will also aim at a wider market, continuously update and improve green energy technology in a few years, continuously develop and optimize new modules, expand more similar projects, and cultivate excellent construction and management talents to obtain more social attention.

Project Details
Shanghai CC Design Design Co., Ltd.

Project Name
Self Supply Container Theme Resort Island

Xu Cheng Feng

World Design Awards Category
Hospitality Concept

Project Location
Wu Xi

Xu Cheng Feng(Project Leader), Zhanhua Cui, Xiao Wang


Photography ©Credit
©Shanghai CC Design Design Co., Ltd.

Our company is called ‘Shanghai CC Design Co., Ltd.’, which is mainly engaged in the future design of architecture, interiors and products. The chief architect of the company, Mr. Xucheng Feng, graduated from RMIT’s master of Landscape architecture Design and is currently studying architecture PHD at Tongji University.