Noble People | Meridian Design Associates, Architects | World Design Awards 2021
Meridian Design Associates, Architects: Special Mention of World Design Awards 2021. Meridian was commissioned by Noble People to design a new corporate workspace at 96 Morton Street to meet the company’s niche spatial requirements. Design objectives were centered around ensuring the new offices retained a residential feel for employees and guests. A cozy, warm office design was generated using specific lighting, wood flooring, brass detailing, and a mixture of residential and corporate furniture.
Large open spaces, flexible benching workstations, and lounge areas throughout were employed as a response to our client’s unique functional needs. In addition, the space included informal meeting spaces, offices, a board room, a conference room, a work bar, a large pantry, and a full bar for entertainment, transforming the office into a social workplace.
Project Details
Meridian Design Associates, Architects
Project Name
Noble People
Meridian Design Associates, Architects
World Design Awards Category
Corporate Interior Built
Project Location
New York
Alberto Carrillo, Carlos Young, Antonio Argibay, AIA
United States
Photography ©Credit
©Geandy Pavon
Meridian Design Associates, Architects P.C.
Meridian is a nationally recognized leader in the design of Corporate, Commercial, and Media & Entertainment workplaces as well as Mission Critical Facilities, offering services from offices in New York, Miami, and Seville, Spain. Since its founding in 1981, Meridian has established itself as a leader in developing innovative workplace design strategies on broad range of projects that put #PeopleFirst and that utilize a methodology founded on revolutionary applications of technology.
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