DRC Residences by WALL Corporation | International Residential Architecture Awards 2020

WALL Corporation: Awardee of International Residential Architecture Awards 2020. The building is designed with different frames for each floor and divided these frames after every 2 floors with non-frames floors. Framed floors have balcony individually or for 2 rooms together..These non-frame floors have less divided balconies. It is divided into some different balconies with glass panels for non framed floors.

These framed floors connected to each other with vertical voids as 3 height volumes.These voids filled with red colours.

Voids give identity to building with different kinds of frames: small frames, horizontal frames, and vertical frames. All different kinds of frames is used for creating harmony in the geometry of rectangles. The plot area doesn’t have any identity about architectural fabric. The rectangular frame, which is the basic element of architecture, was used in different scales in order to add identity to the building and the environment and to establish a new architectural aesthetics.

The ground floor has a car park for apartment users. There is no basement floor because of the underground water problem. Rooftop is designed with swimming pools for apartment users. There is a social area also for resting.

Second Award: International Residential Architecture Awards 2020 

Firm: WALL Corporation
Architects: Selim Senin
Category: Housing More than 5 Floors Concept
Project Location: Kinshasa
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Photography ©Credit: Selim Senin

WALL Corporation Kigali and Istanbul based architecture office WALL Corporation was founded by architect Selim Senin in 2010. After working for a different architectural company in Istanbul, Senin established his own practice in Istanbul firstly. Working for projects that participated in 25 national and international architectural project competitions. After the projects were published on the internet, he received proposals for project design from various countries.

Senin also has established  Wall corporation in Kigali in 2017. He continues to work on various projects in Turkey and Rwanda based in Kigali.

IRA 2021

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